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发表于 2023-8-29 17:20:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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Founded in 1999, iFLYTEK is a well-known listed company in intelligent speech and artificial intelligence technologies in the Asia-Pacific region. Since its establishment, the company is devoted to cornerstone research in technologies including intelligent speech, natural language understanding and computer vision and has maintained a world-leading position in those domains. The company actively promotes the development of AI products and their sector-based applications, with visions of enabling machines to listen and speak, understand and think, and creating a better world with artificial intelligence. In 2008, iFLYTEK went public on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 002230).


As an innovation-driven company, iFLYTEK sticks to innovations in original and core technologies, and has achieved outstanding results in a variety of international evaluations in speech recognition, speech synthesis, machine translation, image recognition, image comprehension, machine reading comprehension and machine reasoning. The company has won the National Science and Technology Award twice and the Information Industry Technological Invention Award. It was also appointed to one of the leadership positions in the national speech interaction technology workgroup, taking charge of setting standards for Chinese speech industry.


iFLYTEK has also won honors including one of the first national next generation AI open platforms, national engineering research center of speech and language information processing, state key laboratory of cognitive intelligence, a industrialization base of the National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program), a national intelligent speech industrialization base, a key software enterprise within the national plan and a national high-tech industrialization demonstration project.


iFLYTEK pursues a strategy of “ Open Platform + Diversification”. Based on its core technologies and intellectual property, the company launched in 2010 the iFLYTEK Open Platform centered on intelligent speech and human-computer interaction, providing developers with one-stop AI solutions. As of May 31, 2023, the iFLYTEK Open Platform has opened 587 AI products and capabilities, gathering more than 4.61 million developer teams and more than 1.70 million applications that have been installed on over 3.80 billion terminal devices. The iFLYTEK AI Academy has accepted a total of 737,000 registered members. An AI ecosystem with iFLYTEK at its core has brought together more than 5 million partners and it is continuing to grow.

在平台基础上,科大讯飞持续拓展行业赛道,现已推出覆盖多个行业的智能产品及服务,推动在智慧教育、智慧医疗、智慧城市、智慧司法、金融科技、智能汽车、运营商、消费者等领域的深度应用,TO B+TO C双轮驱动成果显现。

Based on its open platform, iFLYTEK has worked to explore diversified territories and develop smart products and services for various industries. The company has successfully transformed technologies and conducted research into products and applications in education, healthcare, urban services, judicature, fintech, automobile, telecommunications and consumer goods. The strategy combining B2B and B2C has been generating desirable outcomes.


In 2016, the company launched the iFLYTEK Translator. The product emerged as a new category of smart consumer products and has been widely well received by the market.


In 2018, iFLYTEK's Machine Translation System took the CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) trial tests and became the first to perform as well as human translators.

2019年,科大讯飞新一代语音翻译关键技术及系统获得世界人工智能大会最高荣誉SAIL(Super AI Leader,即“卓越人工智能引领者奖”)应用奖;同年9月,成为北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会官方自动语音转换与翻译独家供应商,致力于打造首个信息沟通无障碍的奥运会。10月,在教育部、国家语委的指导下,上线发布国家语委全球中文学习平台。

In 2019, iFLYTEK's next-gen speech translation system received the SAIL (Super AI Leader) Applicative Award at the World AI Conference (WAIC). In September the same year, the company became the Official Automated Translation Software Exclusive Supplier of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and has since aimed to achieve barrier-free communication at the games. In October, 2019, under the guidance of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the State Language Commission (SLC), iFLYTEK successfully launched the Global Chinese Learning Platform (GCLP).


In 2020, the iFLYTEK team with the state key laboratory of cognitive intelligence was granted the greatest honor for Chinese young people—the May Fourth Medal, by virtue of its forward-looking research in the field of cognitive intelligence and the significant results from large-scale application of the technology.


In 2021, iFLYTEK won gold medal at the 22nd China Patent Award with its "Speech Recognition Method and System". It is China’s highest award in the intellectual property field.


On August 25, 2022, iFLYTEK was selected into the 2022 Kantar BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands, ranking 53rd with a brand value of USD 4.161 billion.


iFLYTEK's outstanding research and business performance in the field of artificial intelligence have been well recognized by all sectors at home and abroad, making the company commonly regarded as a significant member of the “AI Team China”. Staying true to its original aspirations while keeping innovating and persevering, iFLYTEK looks forward to joining hands with all partners to create a better world with AI!


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